And I figured out that some very interesting things happen when you let your carrots grow too closely together. They twist around each other, meld together to become more than just themselves. I would even venture to say that, with so little distance between themselves, they are communicating and perhaps evolving into something more.
Aren't they pretty?

So tell me, then, if you would, what is wrong with this carrot???
I know. I, too, thought the garden was rated G, but I was wrong. This aberration was well on his way to becoming a little carrot person, and what would have happened then?? We'll go to pull them, and they'll rise up like little root soldiers, well equipped (ahem) to conquer the garden and claim it as their own. And I'll let them, because, honestly, this is just too freaky to handle. Don't you think?
Well, personally, I don't see ANYTHING wrong with that carrot. Nothing at all.
That's just a boy carrot. Of course, most boys are naughty. hehehe
We bought some carrots at the farmer's market yesterday. Mmmm home grown carrots are the best.
Hilarious!!! You should send that pic in to Jay Leno or something.
My husband and boys all had to come take a look at that. I think they found it somewhat disturbing... ;-)
I showed Number Guy the picture and he said, "Oh, look, it has boy parts."
Well, he didn't exactly say boy parts but this is a G rated blog - even if your garden isn't.
That is hilarious. Naked boy carrot. What was going to happen next in your garden? Baseball carrots. Beer carrots. What were you expecting? :)
I'm so glad I wasn't drinking anything while reading this post. It would have been all over the screen.
Oh Carrie, that is hilarious! :) [Good on you for growing your own though.]
So the way my mind works, the garden went above the PG-13 rating. That picture and your commentary (and cheryl's comment) made me laugh--thanks for that!
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