New Year's kicked my keister, folks! Too much partying, WAY too much. Speaking of too much, I'm realizing I'm overextended over here. With the New Year, I'm realizing all of the things that I juggle. I have Sunday School to teach (that's fun), and a home business (needs me more), teaching drama to our elementary school (way fun), being a mom (wheee!) and -- well, gosh, now that I look at it, that's not that bad. Surely I'm forgetting something, because I seem to be busy all the time, but scattered, scattered. So my New Year's Resolution is to take up Yoga, and I'm surely not the only one. When I was buying supplies at
Borders (where so many good things come from), the salesman said, "What's up with the yoga sales today? Everyone is buying it." So there. Everyone is doing it, and I am, too. Do you know how rarely I'm doing what everyone else is doing??? Yes, mom, if everyone was jumping off a cliff, I'd be standing in line.... heh heh.
No, really, I'm excited about the yoga. I'm looking forward to getting more organized (heehee), since I really want to be
that person that has got it all together. It's funny, though. The first afternoon the kids and I did yoga, we fell asleep on the floor. All of us. After the meditation, which I may not have been doing right, since I
fell asleep. I find this all kinds of funny.
So someone else is probably doing this - I haven't been able to read any blogs since I've spent days sick from alcohol poisoning. But leave your New Year's resolutions in the comments, just for fun, ay? Don't type anything too embarrassing, because I'm going to do a random drawing in a week and give away some Christmas-y self-striping dishcloth yarn, in the hopes that someone else will get a jump on the holidays next year! And I'll post the winning comment/resolution up on the blog on the 13th. Happy New Year's!
So the meditation worked and you were really relaxed.
I wonder if I'd get more sleep that way...
I agree with trek. When you've meditated to a state of relaxation like that, and then fall asleep, all it really means is that you're tired.
I don't do resolutions. I do goals. I have a goal to pay off my debt. I still get my yarn budget, but this year we're not doing any trips or (hopefully) any really big purchases. My other goal is to eat healthier by reducing my simple carbs.
Not very exciting, eh?
Love yoga!
I resolve never to let you be my bartender again. hehehehehe
Wow, your New Year's celebration sounds quite successful! Mine, on the other hand, consisted of being in bed before my MIL (who was visiting us at the time) got home. How sad is that?
I agree w/Trek too. Sleep is ultimated relaxation.
I love resolutions! One of mine this year is to get a jump on Christmas, starting now.
Yoga sounds like fun, maybe we can work that in on our Wednesday mornings ??!! I resolve(again) to try to eat more healthy-at least 2 salads /week ! And to DEEP clean my house.
I've got a set of goals up on my blog, but if I had to pick one for the year, it's to read more, a book every 2 months or so.
Knit more! That's my resolution.
Glad you're feeling better!
i'm *considering* the eat local challenge. i love the concept, but i'm not sure if i have my act organized enough yet.
The one time I've had a successful meditation at the end of a yoga session, I fell asleep on the floor, too! I was sooooooo relaxed - one of the only times in my life, ever!
I admire your desire to be "that woman" and I am resolving to be the same - organized, less tempermental (my daughter is starting to pick up on my love of yelling, so I'm hoping to nip that in the bud!) and in better shape.
Thanks for the batt love - so glad you liked them! Have you signed up on my notify list? It's on the sidebar of my blog - I'm having an update with batts, handdyed fiber, and some scarflettes soon (hopefully by the weekend!)
Get healthy is my resolution. Exercise three times a week or more and watching what I'm eating. I know, pretty boring, but necessary.
My knitting 'goals' for the year are to knit at least 2 washcloths a month, and to knit at least one item for charity each month. I think this months charity project is to knit some hats for the school office. They keep stuff on hand for changes in weather, or accidents.
I call what I do making resolutions, I call it setting intentions. I'll make a more detailed post about it on my blog tomorrow...but general gist is about getting healthy, getting on top of finances, taking time for myself, getting more organized, loving people in ways they appreciate, blog365, and be more giving.
XO & happy new year!
(i love me a good contest LOL)
i'm posting again to confirm that yes, we are going to be doing the eat local challenge as well as eating all organic and as little corn as possible. big changes for us around here.
so... does that mean my name's in the hat twice now...???
j/k :)
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