And happily, when I raised my head from the book, I got to write a post with shawl updates! Asa has been working on her Snowdrop shawl, and here's a new picture. Go Asa! Live it for me... I'm so jealous.
Liz has been working away on her Cozy shawl. I love the lacy look and drape of this shawl. It looks comforting, doesn't it? She's fretting a bit about how much longer it will take her, so go give her a holler of support, ay?
Also knitting away was Rachel, and before I could put in the picture I had, she finished her Forest Canopy Shawl! That's some wonderfully fast knitting! See the foresty colors, the way you can imagine light sparkling through dark trees, and the different nuances of color it gives? I need this image for my yoga. Very, very nice. Great work, Rachel.
Something lit a fire under Arleta (a fiber festival, perhaps?), and here's her finished shawl, also! Isn't it beautiful? I wonder if she'll let me borrow it... heehee. I get to see it in person, too, so much handling of fiber will be done. I bet it will fit me perfectly =)
Ha ha! Thanks Carrie. I can use all the support I can get. :)
I just a few minutes ago finished another repeat, and I am officially 1/4 of the way through...if I could just get myself and my knitting to a desert island for a weekend, I'd be all set!
I am really impressed with everyone's work. It's really motivating to be part of this KAL (although one might not assume that from my progress)!
Wow, everyone's shawls are so beautiful. I'm almost halfway done & probably won't post another progress pic until I'm near the finish line.
Hurry up & read!!! :-)
Oh wow, those shawls are gorgeous! I've got to wade through the stacks in the garage and get my WIP's back out. Maybe I should unpack my desk first. Nah.
Carrie, thanks for the mention. Go girls, the summer shawl knitters are completing on their WIPs...
All the lovely shawls! Gorgeous. I'm working my way through Harry Potter. I love it so far, but still have a bit to go...
Oh wow! Those are great! Must. Get. Moving. On. Mine.
Oh, yes, HP7 was goooooood!
Thanks for bragging on me! :)
I cannot wait for Saturday, it's going to be so much fun!!
Thanks for the comments, Car! I know I've been totally absent, and I DO have part of a shawl - it's such a great, easy pattern, but I'm having a hard time finding time to finish it (ok, to get it going anywhere, since I'm nearing the end of the second repeat. Of six. Ugh.) I'll take a pic today of what I have and send it over to ya!
And THANKS so much for your order! I'll get it out to you ASAP!
Ahhh! Those are very lovely indeed! Puts a little spark in my needles to pick up my Forest Canopy!
I FINALLY finished my shawl! YAYAYAYAYAY! If it weren't for you ladies I never would have finished it.
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