So today I am 39 years old. My last year of the 30's, and don't think that doesn't mean anything. But I had a great day, with parties and pizza and prezzies, which were knitting books and socks and roving and - well, basically a knitter's birthday! And my cool brother got me
Spore, just released, which my husband and I were finagling a way to buy. Heh. As if I didn't have enough things working against me finding blog time.
One of the things that I like about bloggers' birthdays is when they put pics up of when they were little. All those 70's pictures (or 60's or 80's) are fun to look back on. So here's some pics of the younger me and my three brothers, back in around 1973 =)
Happy birthday!
Love the matching jammies!
Happy birthday!! I'm glad it was a good one. What cute pictures! I can really see your girls in your little girl face. :)
Happy Birthday. A little late but still,
omgoddess SPORE!
I have 3 brothers (no sisters) too. And I have pictures of us all in matching pajamas in front of a Christmas tree as well.
Happy Birthday!!
I'm going on 39 in November. I had no idea we were so close in age. It's just started to hit me that this milestone was getting so close.
But what's the big deal, really? Let's party our way into our forties, yeh!?
Happy Birthday!
Love the pictures :)
Oh, my - matching pjs.
Happy B-day.
Happy Belated Birthday!
Your pictures are darling.
Happy birthday late! Matching jammies are the best!
Happy Belated Birthday Carrie! I love the pictures! I see there was an early fiber influence there on the couch... :)
Oh, happy belated (I am so behind)! Love the oldie but goodie pictures!
Happy Birthday! I love the pics.
BTW, I got distracted with the start of school and sort of stopped the 100 pushups challenge. *ahem*
Happy [belated] birthday Carrie. x
Late to the party but Happy Birthday! I'm glad you had a good day! And I love your pictures.
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